My goodness

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My goodness

更新时间:2024-09-20 05:51:15
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My goodness在线翻译

1. But when you first see it, it's like'Oh my goodness!

2. " Oh my goodness, " Mirren told AP Television News before entering the tribute Saturday night.

My goodness

1. My goodness的反义词

1. They want you, they want you in the navy Oh my goodness. What am I gonna do in a submarine?

2. Yea, though I walkthrough the shadow of the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. thou preparest a table before me, in the presence ofine enemies, thou anointest my head with oil, my cup renneth over, surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the lord forever.

3. Allah, I ask you for constancy along the way and for resolution in walking the right path and thank you for your goodness and that I worship you in the best sense and I ask of you to give me good from everything you know and keep me from every evil you know and I ask you to forgive all my sins that you know for you are knowledgeable of all things and I ask of you security for me, my family, and all my companions and I seek refuge with you from every despot, from every deceiver and tyrant, from every wizard and every unjust person, from every envier and every traitor, from every conspirator and every enemy, from every one who rants and raves, from every trickster and every gloater and from everyone who conceals enmity from me.

4. My goodness在线翻译

4. It is the most important thing for me that my husband`s heart is goodness and wisdom.


5. Goodness```the live i`m living now seems too dull and decadent````but i`m still a optimism``kakak```although some difficult problems hv taken place in my life``such as my homework``money`ha ha `and so on ``so i hv to make great effort to solve them alone`` ```so pity ar`` `wel``few people understand me who i will treasure very much````friends ar essential in your life`````however``sometimes u must learn to be stay only by yourself``once` u go to trouble ``dun be upset and sned for sb.
善良`` `活`我米,现在的生活似乎太单调颓废`` ``但我`米仍是一个乐观``高速公路`` `虽然有些困难高压发生在我的生命``如我的功课``钱`呵呵`等关于``所以高压作出很大的努力来解决他们独自`` ` ``所以可惜氩`` ` `` wel很少人知道我是谁我将十分珍惜``朋友``氩必需在你的生命````` ``但是有时美国必须学会将只留下自己``一旦美国` 去麻烦``逼债被打破和SNED为锑。

6. Training my mind through study, reflection and meditation, the source of higher rebirths and definite goodness, may I follow the Buddha`s precious teachings!

7. Is it possible to appreciate more a piece of yellow metal surrounded by little stones than the goodness of my Lord? ...

8. As he pushed into me he rocked an entire hay bundle over sending the two of us sprawling. Painful, but my goodness worth it.

9. Although she was never an ardent follower of any formal religion, my mother's own faith endured throughout her life: her faith in love, her faith in the miracle of nature, and her faith in the goodness of life.

10. My goodness是什么意思

10. My goodness, he's jumped out of the frying pan into the fire!


11. And I will satiate the soul of the priests with fatness, and my people shall be satisfied with my goodness, says the LORD.
014 我必以肥油使祭司的心满足;我的百姓也要因我的恩惠知足。这是耶和华说的。

12. And I will satiate the soul of the priests with fatness, and my people shall be satisfied with my goodness, saith the LORD.

13. My goodness的解释

13. But about me....she transmit to me that is notionate individuality, emulative, temper is a little cranky and a little lazy, but I am a goodness girl as my mother.......

14. My goodness!-We'd have something to show off.

15. My goodness的近义词

15. And oh my goodness is that Henry and Thomas playing with matches in the corner?


16. One time I entered the US via San Francisco. My goodness!

17. My goodness的解释

17. My goodness, look at Rambo`s influence!

18. My interest leads me to widen my knowledge of people, and this in turn compels me to believe in the common goodness of mankind.

19. I don't think it's a good deterrent at all. My goodness gracious.

20. My goodness在线翻译

20. My goodness, you really do have it all, don't you, dear Scorpio!

  • 临近词
Country Mouse: My goodness!(乡下老鼠:我的老天!)
My goodness, I hadn't noticed it was so late!(我的天,我还没注意到已经这么晚了!)
"My goodness!" the Pelgrin woman said.(“我的天哪!”那个佩尔格林女人说。)
Oh my goodness! You scared me!(哦,我的天哪!你吓我一跳!)
Oh, my goodness! What made her do that?(我的天!她怎么会那样干呢?)
Oh my goodness! The woman has a fox around her neck!(我的天啊!那位女士的脖子上围了一只狐狸!)
A: My goodness, the sound of disc is so bad.(天啊!音响的音效好差。)
Oh my goodness. What's in there?(天啊,都有什么东西在里面。)
I judge him on his game play and, my goodness, what a gem he is.(我只用他的比赛来评价他,哦,我的天哪,他真是个瑰宝!)
Mrs Boffin: My goodness Professor Boffin!(伯菲太太:天哪,伯菲教授!)
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